I'm sure the whole batch number, prefix thing is massively overplayed and even covertly encouraged by the trade. There will obviously be some differences between engines but it's probably less on engines designed and built for racing than on engines built for utility (honda. Comer) or modified scooter (rotax). With the teams/guys who chase the "right" bits, it's as much that they, test, try, test, try, test, as the parts themselves. Bassicslly that they are maximising everything and 2 stroke engines being so fickle, it's all the tiny things that add up, that creates the difference. Give a front running super 1 engine & chassis, to many club owner/drivers, let them spend a few weekends tweaking setup on chassis, carb etc. Now, give it back to the super 1 driver, unchanged and generally he won't be front running.
I know there are lots of drivers, dads and individual who do know there stuff but I'm just trying to make the point, that sometimes, the big advantage we see, is often made up of many, many tiny things we don't! Many of these coming from experience not money (although testing/dyno time cost money)