You use the word 'majority' and I think the 'majority' are happy to go along with what the 'majority' feel is ok.
It is not 'logical' to conclude that the officials will turn a blind eye to ramming etc.
Give them the benefit of their intelligence and ability to not have to resort to zero tolerance PLEASE!
They can make decisions based on what they feel is 'fair play' without kicking the backside of everyone brought before them.
This isn't Big Brother or 1984.
This is a past time.
A silly little sport that some people take far too seriously.
The ones who moan about curbs and contact are the same ones who always manage to get involved in unnecessary accidents and always end up at the back of the pack.
Enjoy the sport for what it is.
While you're worrying about what others are doing, you are taking you eye off the ball and getting stuffed.
Can't we clone Steve C and issue one or two to every track please.