--- "I think you are wrong, David. The problem for me is that the 'illegal' migrants are at our border and are 'breaking in' to this country. That's the problem I want to solve." ---
The issue with this is that your proposed solutions would do nothing to prevent it. They're willing to risk their lives to get into the country. No amount of "we'll send you home" deterrence is going to work. You'd have to threaten a life worse than the one they're running from; possibly significantly so, as desperate people are not adverse to a gamble.
--- "The second one, that of why they want to leave their own country, is outside our direct control." ---
Only in the sense that we're not their government. In many cases, we are at least an influence in the situation their countries find themselves in, if not directly responsible.
--- "I'd be happy with a change of policy. Instead of us given countries money, we should offer (a large number of) small sums to the PEOPLE of those countries. Basically, become a small business 'bank' which lends money to (for example) Mrs Owali who wants to set up a seed selling 'stall'. With the loan, she can buy the 'stock' and start the process. Being a bank, we want the money back WHEN she is successful...... just like banking has been, previously." ---
Any solution proposed should certainly be grass roots level; you only have to look at Central Africa to see that international aid as it stands doesn't work. However, much of the "misappropriated" international aid is really just greasing the wheels of diplomacy. I'm not sure I would support loans, further increasing the debt of developing nations, but your point is generally in the right direction.
--- "Once you empower women, the society changes for the better in almost EVERY case." ---
I think this is more to do with the principal of treating people equally. Women are half the population so treating them equally doubles the talent and labour pool of a country. It will also tend to be reflective of a society that has established key principals like the right to a fair trial.
--- "We have tried to 'interfere' in other countries and have failed spectacularly. It's time we offered help to those people who *can* benefit." ---
In many cases the best course of action we could take may well be to withdraw all international aid/charity and no longer have a presence in a given country.
There are no easy solutions, but all the time our lives are significantly better than theirs, there will be a migratory pressure in our direction.