The thing is though Labour and the Lib Dems will keep their mouths shut, but the Conservatives are under pressure and they know it which is why they are all breaking rank.
Whilst the three main parties will have members who want in or out of the EU it's something that members of UKIP can't complain about, it does what it says on the tin. So with UKIP you know exactly what you are getting and there is a sense of unity and direction with them.
I personally find UKIP very refreshing, they seem a lot more upfront. Take for instance Nigel on the news on Friday with the Scottish incident. Well the big three don't dare go north of the border touting for votes anyway, but lets imagine if any one of the big three be it Ed, Clegg or Dave, found themselves in the same situation, anyone of those three would have tried to play it down and wriggle themselves out of the interviews and questioning but Nigel was just blatently honest about it and it was true what he said, I think he will gain a lot of respect for his approach.
I know a lot of people who have voted Conservatives, Lib Dems and even Labour that are seriously considering voting UKIP. In fact I think all of the Conservative voters I know will vote UKIP as long as they have a UKIP candidate to vote. (Manchester Area)
There's still time before the bandwagon leaves Ian ; )