The "Special relationship enjoyed with America" was since World War 2 paying back at an extorsionate repayment rate (over 50yrs ) for lend lease of military hardware etc to stop Germany taking over "Europe"and support the US in any of its future wars/invasions etc,from who we bought more stuff on loans to help them ,madness.
As said before,Angie Merkel and Germany has still managed control of Europe to their credit without firing a single shot. When entering another EU country recently she was asked "Occupation " by immigration,she replied she was only in the country for a conference.
Footnote:- UKIP,haven't read any where they want to repatriate forigners already in the UK just want future "visitors" to be able to speak more English than "Social Security,Benefits,Houses and Money for no work." There again Tories guy when asked about dissafected youths attending Job centres in Uk asked why had they been " disinfected "