High population has nothing to do with the increased wealth of the people. Just look at this chart, it's the opposite of what you state Kai,
There is a lot of scare mongering going on regarding UKIP, the best is this idea that nobody would want to trade with us if we pull out of the EU. So let's think about this, Ford, Mercedes, China and India, not to mention the Russian billionaires won't want to make money in this country anymore if we pull out of the EU? Yeah right, lol.
Private businesses will always want to make money no matter how difficult it is to make that money. You only have to look at the lengths that the oil companies go to, to find a new well in the middle of the antarctic or the lengths Primani go to, to find cheap labour in the sweat shops of Bangladesh. Our country is no different, private businesses will still want to sell to us and they will still need our services to help them.