'Do you think it was sick to celebrate Sadam Hussiens death and Bin Ladens death.'
Yes I do think it's sick and twisted. I didn't like them but to celebrate someones death that has no threat to you (Sadam was captured and Bin Laden could have been captured) and has no bearing on your own life at present is pretty sick and twisted. A serial killer experiences that type of pleasure.
'So someone who has worked all there life and been made redundant shouldn't be allowed to vote. Get real.' - Not quite, someone who hasn't done at least 6 months work in 5 years shouldn't be allowed to vote. People who genuinely want to work would do at least this amount of work in 5 years. Those who genuinely don't want to work would struggle to do this amount of work.
'And what would your political test involve Chris. Some people choose not to vote because then they will be responsible for voting in incompetent politicians.' - Wouldn't be a forced vote so those who don't want to vote still don't have to. Just a test to highlight the fact that they know the reasons why they are voting not just voting based on whether 'oh he's a nice man so I'm voting for him (Cameron)' or 'I'm voting Labour, I always have voted Labour and I always will vote Labour'.
I don't agree with all of Thatchers idea's, but if she had not been in power I don't think we would be where we are now. The Unions had so much power they were like the 'tail wagging the dog'.
It makes you wonder whether the country would be state run today, I think it probably would because there hasn't been anybody else who would have stood up to the Unions. Although I think it's good to have some things state funded I don't think the whole country should be state funded, I think there has to be a balance and without Thatcher I don't think we would be balanced today.