"you said to drive quickly, which usually means on (or near) the limit"
i really dont agree with that statement.
for that to be true then any car on its limit is difficult to drive by the very definition.
"Either way, the Lotus's are much more difficult to drive than a Porsche with all of it's driver aids."
well you would hope the driver aids were doing something
"Don't care how older 911's handled" ok "we're comparing like for like in this thread" yet they are different
"and your argument" and? it wasnt an argument, more a statement of fact but hey ho, i guess everything has to be an agrument.
"that Lotus's are easy to drive fast is ridiculous when everything about them makes them tricky"
yeah, the tiny engine, the enormous mass, the huge number of seats and luggage space. they all make it difficult to accelerate and slow. the thin, high profile tyres, the overall geometry and stiffness...just what were lotus thinking :)
i could be wrong but i think this is the first mention of track days in the thread
if i need to apologise for you jumping to conclusions than i do so unreservedly