The only response I can make to your comments, is to put yourself in the shoes of a survivor of such an atrocity, or perhaps the shoes of a family member who lost a son, daughter, father, mother who, left their home on those fateful days to go about their everyday business to have their lives snatched away in the most brutal way possible.
No `human rights` existed for them....and, yes, I wholly disagree with your comments, largely because I feel that, were you in their shoes, you would have a very different point of view.
If this makes me a worse person than you, then so be it...
Why would you want....(or not you specifically, but the American nation) wish to see this go to trial, at a cost of many millions of dollars, only for a guilty verdict to be laid, and the death sentence surely to follow.
Then again, perhaps we would hear the cries from the `do gooders` that the death sentence too is barbaric, and in opposition to human rights, therefore, solitary confinement for life, at a cost of thousands to the taxpayers of America.
Bin Laden was only a small ripple in the whole picture of terrorism, for his passing, there will be many others happy to step into his any organisation, you can take out any individual.....but you can`t kill the cause.
It does though, offer some sense of justice and perhaps a small degree of closure to the people who survived these atrocities.......sadly it is all too late for those who did not.