Yep, I must admit, I have missed the odd call when, for example, my Desire has been in living room and I am in kitchen, because, as you say, especially with some ringtones, it can be a bit low, even though I always have my volume turned up to max.
Another little niggle is that sometimes I can find my touchscreen a little bit too `trigger happy`, but neither of these gliches will stop me upgrading in 12months to a Desire HD or whatever else HTC have on offer by that time....
The only slightly worrying thing for me is the HTC logo `quietly brilliant`......
A pal of mine who now has a desire, but has used HTC for a few years prior to that and swears by them, brought up the point that, they WERE, to some extent, a well kept secret as virtually EVERYONE, myself included it must be said, joined the iPhone that people are starting to see the light, his worry is that, sheer mass production will see the quality of the handsets reduce.....