Best touch screen is debateable, i've tried both and from memory of trying a 3GS i can't see a difference but i might be wrong. As for the screens themselves then don't even go there lol, has the iPhone even got an LED screen never mind a AMOLED or even SUPER AMOLED, hmmmmmm!
Best UI, thats certainly not going to the iPhone, the android sense UI is streets ahead, it was with 2.1, is without a doubt still better with 2.2 froyo and with the soon to be released 2.3 gingerbread update will consign the iPhone to the history books.
Best apps, well i may have to give you that one BUT the market place is growing daily and most iPhone apps are available for android anyway, for saying Apple had a 2 year head start i don't think android is doing too badly, its certainly without a shadow not lagging behind apple, some would say its ahead of which i am one!