Yeah.....we have the best stadia, best infrastructure, best this, best that.......but.... WHY do we always think we are SO bloody superior???
England, the country that gave football to the World!!!!, hello......the World has bloody well moved on, trouble is, we haven`t moved with it.
Two years we had to put our bid together, so what do we do? Leave it until the last month or so, then wheel out Beckham, Wales and Cameron and blissfully think this will win the day.....oh, i forgot, and pass around a few designer bags to attempt to curry favour.
The BBC are stupid, we all know that FIFA is corrupt to its very core......if you didn`t then where the hell have you been for the last 20 years?......But why, oh why were they allowed to put out this programme 3 days prior, what the HELL purpose did it serve?
Yes, of COURSE we could host a World Cup. Probably at a months notice.....fact is, we don`t deserve to.......Birmingham`s moronic supporters fully outlined this last night...
Yes, FIFA and Blatter and Co are corrupt, but English football, and the English FA are a disgrace and sweeping changes are needed from top to bottom.
We were NEVER going to win that vote, and recent events show that we NEVER deserved to..