Totally understand the comment on Drummers not being cool, but times haves changed peeps.
Over the last 10 years the Drummer has become and is perceived in a whole new light. Ask any young girl what band member she prefers and most will reply "I like Drummers". Travis Barker helped this massively with his charisma both on and off the stage. And Brad Wilk is a name that is often on any young groupie's lips... (In more ways then one too!)
Learning the drums is now extremely cool, the manufacturers have poured money into the design of the their gear to make it appeal to the youngsters. You only have to pick up a copy of Rhythm to see first hand, they've made it a designer business just like any other. And it works.
When I see the young support bands that show up to play with my horrible lot the drummer is standout! He's usually buffed up, has great hair and has the girl on his arm. Then he set's up his kit and the money these youngsters spend is ridiculous. They have all the latest names and model lines, with all the trick bits, drum triggers and effect cymbals... It's like sitting behind a control room desk not a drum kit.
So in a nut shell, drummers are where it's at! Sorry Ian but in my dad's day it was all about the guitarist and Yeah, every one wanted to be Jimmy Paige. Now they all wanna be Taylor Hawkins and Chad Smith.