"Even if it is only a minority who do this unwillingly, how can anyone justify the idea, that somebodies husband or cleric decrees that they must dress differently in public? When I see a muslim man in trendy Jeans and a baseball cap accompanied by his wife in a black tent, it makes my blood boil. it's an affront to modern western civilisations equality, pure and simple. Just as we should be prepared to be punished for kissing in public or drinking alcohol in parts of the Middle East."
The problem with your argument is that, taken to it's logical conclusion, you have no religious tolerance at all. Whilst I make no efforts to temper my opinions about the abhorrent nature of religion, that does not preclude me from tolerating those that hold such nonsensical beliefs. Further, your argument is easily reversed into, "how can anyone justify the idea that the State can determine what is acceptable dress in public?"