Hey there rich,
I've been playing for about 12 years now and have gigged with a lot of kits. So I'd like to think I can help. There are some good cheap kits around and some damn awful one's but the shells are the least of the worry.
Almost any shell can sound good if you fit heads that complement the wood and size of your shells.
If you want a kit capable of gigging pay attention to the hardware. Drum Workshop, Yamaha and Tama are without doubt the choice brands in this area. The hardware is built to last and stands up to the rigours of gigging week in, week out. Most importantly, you need a proper hardware box, don't lug it around in a bag or leave it rolling around in the band van.
There are loads of other manufacturers out there now but I've seen kit falling apart, in my experience Pearl are one of the worst for this.
Take a look at Tama And Yamaha midrange gear, and the Premier kits have come on too, (Yamaha were making these for Premier recently). You'll get a good deal if you look around and play the stores of each other.
As for cymbals, it's all personal choice. The sounds, the price and how hard you hit the things. Just slowly add to the ones you have and tailor a sound of your own.
If you have any other questions, do let me know.