What you are proposing, survival 0f the fittest, will result in massive increases in homelessness, people starving in the streets, or turning to crime to avoid it. You almost got it right, the gap between unemployment benefits & working at minimum wage DOES need to increase, but by raising the minimum wage by more than the unemployment benefits are increased! "For me..... let the lions LOOSE on all but the REALLY 'disabled'...... you just WATCH the b*gg*rs learn to RUN then!" You really don't get it, do you.....there is nowhere for the "b*gg*rs" as you call the unemployed, to run to - there aren't enough jobs! We have to accept, that due to changes in this world, some people are going to have to spend large chunks of their lives without work, and are going to have to be paid enough money to actually live a reasonable life on, something that currently doesn't happen, and if the bill for this has to be paid by the rich b*gg*rs most of whom didn't earn it but inherited it, then so be it. It's part & parcel of being a member of the human race!.