The bottom line, though, is that unfair though it is to keep clobbering the better off, its the only way. With debt per household of 90 grand, it would take the poorest households more than a lifetime to pay off "their" share. So far as the unemployed are concerned, the simple fact is that there are millions of unemployed (the successive governments changed the method of counting them a few times so god knows how many there really are!), and even by the governments own figures only 475,000 vacancies, and giving them jobs in the public sector is just adding to the problem - its cheaper to give them JSA than pay them national minimum wage! Unless the jobs are "real" private sector jobs, it doesn't really achieve anything other than make those in work feel a bit better! So far as the 17 year old girls go, I think you ought to complain to your local council, around my way the accomodation is unfurnished and the utility bills have to be paid out of their income.