"However, even QoT *Dave) will agree that SPEEDING motorists kil FIFTY a year..... that's daft of course,m the figure is WELL over 1000 but...... 50 will DO to show my point here"
No, thats not what I said! I actually said:
and only about 50 of them actually attributable to going too fast AND in excess of the speed limit!
This being the proportion (5%) that the police official accident statistics give as being caused by driving both too fast for the conditions & in excess of the speed limit!
To be clear, I do not believe that exceeding the speed limit is the cause of ANY accidents! Only errors of driving cause accidents. Speeds input into the accident is solely the severity of the consequences.
"Using Dave's argument, even the driving over drink driving limits does NOT CAUSE deaths"
No, thats not a correct extrapolation of my arguement, because being drunk causes driving errors, breaking the speed limit does not.