And...... can you remind me why it's NOT 'victimisation' of (for example) young CHILDREN and OLD PEOPLE in the streets because they are 'watched' by CCTV all day when it's RARELY them who are behaving drunkenly at closing time in cities? Its NOT victimisation, because CCTV watches EVERYBODY!
And why it's NOT victimisation of ME and MY famiuly when we are checked by security systems at Airports as we RARELY carry bombs? Its NOT victimisation because airport security checks EVERYBODY.
And why it's NOT victimisation of your family in shops that use Store detectives when it's RARELY been you OR your children who have been shoplifters? Its NOT victimisation because store detectives watch EVERYBODY!
And why it's NOT victimisation of me when I have been breathalysed FOUR TIMES in my life when I rarely DRINK? Your fourth example may well be victimisation, and, surprise surprise, its the only one that involves the police!
When the police do 100% pedestrian checks for things like weapons/drugs/stolen property, then & only then, will they not be victimising motorists!