I don't know about you guys, but quite frankly, I'm bored of it now!
If you've read further down, you'll see that I have quite strong anti-tory views. Yes, probably as a result of my upbringing, living in a very anti-tory area with just as anti-tory parents, but my mind is made up. I've done my own digging, made my own decision. I won't be voting Tory. My decision on whether to vote Labour or Lib Dem will probably not be made until I get to the polling booth tomorrow.
There is a lot wrong with this country at the moment and it needs addressing. But there is also a lot that is good with this country, and sometimes I think people need to take a step back and assess the bigger picture. Yes, sh!t happens, but is life really that bad in the UK. I don't think so.
No doubt whoever comes out of tomorrow in power will do the best they can to improve this country, whoever that may be and whoever they "represent". All I will say is this. Don't vote for someone because they say someone else is rubbish. Don't vote for someone because of a war, or because they say they will deal with something better than someone else. Vote for who makes the most sense in the bigger picture to YOU!