Tim! Really!?! You're voting Tory!
If you are who I think you are, your at college and working at a kart circuit. You'll be one of the first royally ar$e-raped by the Tories!!
Rob from the poor, give to the rich!
If you like free healthcare, don't vote Tory.
If you like the amount of maternity / paternity leave, don't vote Tory.
If you earn under £20,000 and like having some cash in your pocket after you pay your taxes, don't vote Tory.
If your a working person, don't vote Tory.
Labour rescued this country after the state Maggie and the Tory's left it in after their spell! Black Wednesday? Miners Strikes? Crippled economy? Lest we forget!
On a closing note, how many of you can really say you are financially worse off under Labour?!
1983 Estimated UK Population, 56.5m. Unemployment Level: 3m
2010 Estimated UK Population, 62.5m. Unemployment Level: Approx 2m.
So we have 6 million more people living in this country than we did when Maggie was in power. Yet we have 1 million less people unemployed than we did back then!
Really think we're that much worse off than we were?!