Ian, I could be wrong but isn't the £3500 figure for someone with a provisional licence? I.e. someone who hasn't passed their test. I want a system for young drivers who have already passed their test. (I personally think complete 1st timers should only be allowed to learn to drive in an instructor's cars with duel peddle control, the danger of a complete 1st timer without the duel control is massive! Hence the truely massive price I assume)
My quote was for £1500, which is still horrendous to afford. (but that was what I was basing my rough figures on) which is under half of the figure you're using. Naturally your example is going to throw out big scary numbers as (I believe) you're using a figure 2.3 times the actual amount!
There's an actual need nationally for an option to have cheaper car insurance for younger male drivers who haven't had any accidents. Therefore if you had a cap for drivers under 25, who haven't had ANY prangs (no matter how small), have a car of engine capacity 1.0 or less, have a speed monitoring system in their car and also have completed a course such as passplus. It would be a lot fairer.
If you wanted a higher capacity car then that would be fine, but you'd have to pay the increased insurance.
Your insurance Ian would not go up as the cost would be spread across the rest of the under 25's that either have had any kind of prang, have an engine above 1.0, haven't completed a course such as passplus, haven't got a speed monitoring system or have gone over the speed limit.
You can easily monitor the insurance companies and make sure they play ball with not increasing the insurance for over 25 as well.
Theres a lot of positives that this could bring for you Ian. Young drivers not buying hugely powerful cars, young drivers actually going on passplus courses, young drivers actually sticking to speed limits and people being more careful with their driving (knowing that just one prang or incident would really increase their insurance) - Which all reduce the risk of them hitting you! (And could reduce the amount the company has to pay out in the 1st place, you never know)