Ian, you've missed my point.
You've quoted some stats below comparing young drivers to everyone else on the road. I know they are fact and I wouldn't for a moment disagree with them. These stats have been more or less the same for decades. There's nothing new here.
Insurance companies have also been allowed to openly discriminate for decades, charging young drivers [irrespective of experience] punitive amounts of money to get onto the road. This has made no difference to the stats above.
If these stats on young drivers are a problem, please tell me why that in almost 30 years there hasn't been :
1. A major reform in the driving process so that the education process is longer, the test is more difficult, probationary periods exist, there are speed governers on cars etc...
2. An increase in the minimum age for driving to 25 or 30 or whatever ?
3. Any other measures to reduce those stats ?
Discrimination is discrimination... be it on race, creed, age or sex. To tar an entire group of people because some among that group have done badly is entirely wrong. The solution is to fix the underlying problem.
Do you understand my point now ?