I with you on that DavyBoy.
No where near enough preparation for real events on the road. No skill or real aptitude tests are forced upon new drivers and that needs to be changed.
But if less drivers pass, that means less money going to the government for new licences, road tax and petrol. I have a friend who is an examiner and he believes half his students shouldn't be on the road but he has to pass them to make the numbers. All sound so familiar doesn't it... Rip Off Britain!
And the penalties don't deter the bad drivers.
If you drive an unroad worthy car or without insurance or tax, what do they do!?! They fine you, take your license away or possibly crush your car. So you go buy another £200 banger and driver that around until you get caught.
The GATSO's don't catch bad drivers and the Rozzers have no power to really throw anyone behind bars that does flaunt the law.
So people just go on driving the way they do, with no license in unroad worthy cars with no tax, MOT or insurance. They don't pay their fines so we pay more tax for the administrators who don't get their court fees back and it just goes on and on and on.
We get hit with bigger insurance premiums and we continue to clean up after all the scumbags who think they own the roads!
DOWN with stupid fines leaving bad road users to cause misery over and over again. No MOT, No Insurance, No TAX, Unroad worthy car or No License ...Three Words GO TO JAIL!!!