your probably right there but tell me honestly,aren't there drivers you favour just purely on how you "feel" about them on a human level?
im quite happy for drivers to be arrogant and cock sure of themselves,in fact i can relate to it a little bit.i know i was a little so and so when i was younger.i knew i had a talent in my painting and knew i had the talent to back up my own arrogance,not only that but i had the work ethic and competitiveness to take it further.
my problem with alonso isnt his driving,its the way he reacted when faced with a team mate who surprised everyone with his speed.i would have respected him more had he kept his mouth shut,put his head down and taken on the challenge
anyway,thats my bit,i think there are some areas of agreement there actually itpro
incidentally,my own arrogance and will to win didnt go down well with the like to do a bit of tutoring now(done a little for ba illustration)but i may well have trodden on too many toes for that to be a regular thing! :)