Davyboy > "If the proposed rate of CO2 reduction is insufficient to solve the problem, then there is absolutely no point in doing it."
Well thats a stupid sentiment. Thats like saying as a football manager to your team at half time, 'guys, you didn't play well enough in the 1st half so what I want you to do is go and tell the referee we've given up and are going home'. Why don't we simply increase the amount of CO2 reduction until it is sufficient? Simple no?
DavyBoy> "By the way, what is the reduction in CO2 necessary to reverse global warming and stablize the climate at 'pre global warming' levels?"
If you're looking for an exact figure then I don't know. The best solution would be to produce none at all, but obviously that isn't going to happen!! I think the current trend of thinking is to reduce CO2 by as much as humanly possible to help as much as we can.
To those still skeptical of human made global warming, look at this graph (http://zipcodezoo.com/Trends/Trends%20in%20Atmospheric%20Carbon%20Dioxide_2.gif). It is a fact that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect, and clearly from the graph we've significantly increased the amount of CO2 in the air. A lot of skeptics point to the vastly rising CO2 and the only slightly rising temperatures and say they aren't linked. However, imagine a horizontal line on the graph of CO2 (a line which is above where we are currently) That line is where the chain reaction of CO2 begins and is VERY hard to get back from or, practically speaking, impossible to get back from. Basically beyond that line the CO2 released causes heat which means CO2 is released from the sea causing more heat etc. etc. I'll admit, I don't really understand how that works...a lecturer explained it to me on a train and it made a whole lot more sense than it does to me now after I've forgotten half of what he said! But basically, they've estimated our closeness to this line and that's why they're so flippin scared!