Davy it takes years of constant exposure to large amounts to affect. Your nose has little hairs in it to catch particles of dust, your throat also has tiny hairs to catch dust........unless you smoke them you singe these hairs then your doomed!
Thing is they say in theory it only takes one asbestos fibre to cause cancer, trouble is they also say asbestos fibres can travel in the air for upto 4km so you can't tell me nobody has breathed it in at some point in their lives.
Just as a side, when i worked for Pectel group, they said there was about another 100 years of asbestos stripping left in this country, thats because during the 70's in its height, britain was importing 700 million tons a year of the stuff. Oh and another thing, its not just brake pads you need to worry about, theres a few household things that contain it, most houses built up until 2000 will contain it somewhere.