I said: "even though the pro AGW lobby well know the claims of the sceptics, they try to discredit with waffle rather than address the specific points under dispute. I believe it reasonable to infer from this, that on those specific allegations, the sceptics must be correct in what they allege." Your response was to try to discredit with waffle! I am disappointed in you Ian, I expected better..... The head of the IPCC is a guy with his fingers in more pies than Mr Kipling: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/6890839/The-questions-Dr-Pachauri-still-has-to-answer.html Our own government led by the "one eyed scottish idiot" sees AGW as a way of making trillions out of carbon trading, and there seems to be some sort of "world government" plot lurking around as well: http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/warm-rudd1.pdf Perhaps a world government and carbon trading scheme to transfer money from the new manufacturing nations to the rest of the world is a great idea....but if so, why is it being done by stealth, just the same way that we were suckered into joining the EC.