My problem with what you are saying, when you urge people to view the "published papers", is that there seems to be a sound argument that they are based on selected, manipulated data, and that even though the pro AGW lobby well know the claims of the sceptics, they try to discredit with waffle rather than address the specific points under dispute. I believe it reasonable to infer from this, that on those specific allegations, the sceptics must be correct in what they allege. You accept that there may be significant amounts of "rigging" involved in the pro AGW case, and it is clear how this may performed, but what "rigging" do you think there is in the Sceptics case? Whilst it is clear the oil companies would not want a reduction in the use of their products, would there be a reduction if AGW was true - oil (not petrol) literally keeps the world moving; and what evidence is there of oil companies paying anybody to support the sceptic view? I think that in your last paragraph you have fallen into the trap of confusing weather with climate, even if the pro AGW claims are correct, in the 50 year period you refer to the average change in temperature is not enough to make the differences you talk of, we could have sat outside of cafes back then, and indeed did when on holiday! Some specific points that need addressing: CO2 levels NOW, are not influencing temperature NOW, but the temperature 800 years ago IS influencing CO2 levels NOW. The Suns activity NOW plays a major role in the earths climate NOW. Manns "hockey stick" graph was totally misleading in its portrayal of temperatures over both the last 1000 years (denying the medieval warming period) and the last few decades due to the selected data employed. The selected use of data from 25% of Russian meteorological stations showed significant global warming, but if all the (several hundred) stations data were used it shows NO warming over the last 100 years.