I understand how frustrated you know who gets sometimes - just cause you see a cloud doesnt make you a weather forecaster. UK weather would not be like Moscow - bar the gulf stream - we rarely get Easterly weather formations, when it does happen, its effing cold, 'warmed' from moscow from the gulf stream, jet stream, North Sea and the southern land mass - to have moscow weather you would need a 'freak' weather patten google; UK winter 1963.(any old timers remember that nugget?) Many Canadians and mid /North Yanks come here (florida) for the winter. The current winter storms have already killed many and filled up hospitals. Many Nth Americans I speak to talk of 'cabin fever' hate the snow - (interest google ice storm) Canada is on the same latitude as Scotland, yet is substancially warmer. This current 'weather' patten is moving Nth - Sth and Back again - how can you possible say in 2 weeks it'll be in London unless some one has moved the UK. All said - El Nino years are different - cooler jet and gulf streams 'may effect' UK weather. Its not dificult to work out - google it THEN press enter. ;-) As an observation - UK mainly gets 'hit' Nth, West and North East with snow - look out for this weather patten if you fancy a flutter on a white xmas - Its seems to be rarer to get snow from the east.