I'm sorry for the malpropism. Note to self - think before you type, review before you post ! I guess pointing it out to me wasn't enough... you decided to devote 400+ words to giving me a proper dressing down. Still each to their own I suppose.
Let me get back to the point I raised. We live in a democratic society where people have a right to an opinion and a right to air their opinion. Man made climate change is a debate not a fact and my post was about the weight of peoples' views.
Climate scientists may understand a little more than you or I on the subject... but their understanding is not conclusive. Its just a belief. It may be wrong. Its incorrect to categorize [the majority as it happens] who have an opposing belief as heretics.
Instead we're being railroaded by government, who are accountable to the majority by the way, down a road of unknown consequences. To reference your expert analagy, its a bit like having a witch doctor, somebody who believes they understand physiology but actually doesn't, apply a highly dangerous, untested medicine to try and treat a set of symptoms that you've reported to him but that he can't conclusively diagnose or even verify. In other words its taking action on a perceived problem without knowing the cause of the problem or the effect of the action.