I deal with this everyday at the moment - there has been public health flu pandemic planning going on for years although we did expect it to be the bird flu variety . There are a few unanswered questions regarding when people are infectious but incubation may be 5-7 days . Symptom on set is usually quite rapid - you feel pretty unwell quite quickly. The significant symptoms are a temperature above 38C plus at least 2 of headache, sore throat, cough,runny nose and aching muscles/joints. If you are concerned that you have symptoms then either phone NHS direct or your GP to discuss your symptoms -please do not go into the surgery - we need to protect the health professionals that need to manage the problem. Invest in a simple thermometer particularly if you have children. This is not always a serious illness and most people ,without other health problems, will be unwell but recover. Full recovery from 'flu can take 2-3 weeks. There are a few complications that can arise and anyone who seems to be becoming more unwell rather than slowly getting better should make further contact with their GP service .Anyone with health problems such as diabetes, asthma, cancer should make a contact with their GP as soon as thy have any symptoms. If you do have any symptoms please stay at home and limit social contacts - probably for about a week. It is unusual to see flu at this time of yesr but it is likely to continue for some months and then coincide with our usual flu season of Nov - Feb. Please do not panic and seek appropriate help if needed but keep it in perspective that if you are normally pretty fit and well it is not serious illness even if you feel cr*p at the time