"It's clearly MY fault for reading the TILE of your FIRST POST on this matter!
"don't vote on thursday" (Ohhhhh those missing captials!)"
OOh...that missing "T" ! (see...we all make mistakes)
"You howl NOW about the politicians and it's JUST a coincidence about the 'expenses' saga, is it?
What SORT of 'political observer' ARE you that you are NOW shocked that our politicians don't do EAXCTLY what the promised the VERY gullible public that they would do?"
I can confirm that Kudos HAS actually had very similar discussions with myself on previous occasions...it is NOT just a 'bandwagon' he has jumped on. Just because he has not posted HERE abut it, oor idscussed it with YOU, does NOT mean he hasn't thought about it.
"Do you feel that (outside the PRINCIPLE, which we just DISMISSED in the previous para.) the AMOUNT of the 'fraud' actually MATTERS in an economy that has just given £170,000,000,000to the BANKS who were the REAL FRAUDS of the last 13 years?????" That is entirely the point he makes..if 'the chancellor' can s.crew up his own expenses claims, how can we trust him to cope with the accounts of the UK? (Don't answer that, I know the answer!)
"So.... I am WRONG to be dismissive of your 'Holier Than Thou' stance of PIDDLING sums of money about people that NONE of us trusted IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Nice to see you admit it.
"You WANT to ask the public their opinion in Referenda..... until the public would want t chooe things that you WOULDN'T like (whatever they would be)." What's a chooe? As stated earlier...I have discussed this with Kudos many times...I don't actually agree with him...but he has NEVER resorted to insulting me because of it.
"My vie is that we should ONLY trust the public to vote for DECENT PEOPLE! And only do THAT occasionally!" Good to know what your "vie" is...what is a "vie"?
"Your view is: "Let the public decide on things that **I** know they'd want to change in MY direction...... but don't let them get NEAR anything that I may NOT like!"" Can you give evidence for this statement? When exactly did Kudos state that this? Or, is it what you THINK his view is?
"Vote TODAY and vote on EVERY OTHER occasion!" Now..on that we DO agree, totally. The vote is hard won, and precious. The question is WHAT we vote for...people, parties, issues, delagates, representatives, or what? There are many democratic political systems..none of them perfect. We all have our own views about which are the better. We don't have to sneer at those whose views differ. Engage them in discussion, and ENCOURAGE them to think...not turn them off.