Tangler, no matter how many times you say it it doesn't really make it the truth you know?
I don't think either John, nor I ever said anything about scrapping the cameras. I thought the whole point about this thread was Safety, and the new "leaked" government proposal to blanket lower the speed limit to 50mph! All that being propped-up by people like you with a fixation for speed reduction and ignorance to everything else that's wrong and needs fixing on the road!
"...none of this means we should scrap Speed cameras....which, as we all know, is their ultimate aim."
No, it will mean even more cameras to Big Brother on us. But of course Tangler you don't have anything against the cameras of any kind because you have nothing to hide. Why don't we go straight ahead and put one in your bedroom and one in you bathroom, just in case you fall into temptation of... whatever the government will think to be "unsafe" at some stage in the future!
Remember I experienced 25 years of close monitoring by a totalitarian regime with a penchant for "knowing everything"! I hope you can forgive my reticence to agree with anything that is imposed on me and my fellow 'comrades' in the name of SAFETY when I can be quite a good judge of what is safe for my own self. As indeed you are as well Tangler! You wouldn't want to impose anything willy nilly on any of your relatives or neighbours would you now?