"Now we come to the figures only 5% of drivers involved in accidents are judged to be speeding. Do you really believe that only 5% of drivers are speeding at a given time? No you don't - and neither does itpro. You are forced to the conclusion that speeding drivers are LESS likely to have an accident than law abiding ones. Even when we come to fatal accidents. Do you actually think that only 13% of drivers are actually speeding at any one instant - itpro certainly doesn't, I'm not sure one way or the other"
Right, so you say that 5% of people involved in accidents are speeding. (actually the figures say that speeding was a contributory factor in 5% of accidents, which is worse that what you say, but lets assume what you've said is perfectly true) So 5% of accidents involve speeding drivers, yet 13% of fatal accidents involve speeding drivers (which is higher than 5%!). So by your logic, speeding drivers in accidents have a much higher chance of death than a non-speeding driver in an accident (because 5% are speeding in accidents, but 13% of fatal accidents are for people speeding.)
Of course, this conclusion is drawn with your (delibrate?) mis-interpretation of the results. If you apply logic to the actual meaning of these figures, you might come up with some actual meaningful answers.
On another point, you say that you want focus taken away from Speeding. Ok, what do you want the focus to be on? Come on, you've got all the necessary figures now...this should be easy.