"Speed limits (unless variable)- even lower ones, enforced or not, would have had no effect on any them."
You are underestimating the power of proper enforcement. Taking it to the extreme, if we sat a Police officer in the back of the speeders car....what's the betting he'd slow down?
Now, taking that back a level....what would happen if the speeder knew 100% that if he speeds he would recieve points and a fine? Would he speed? I doubt it, if it was 100% certain he'd get caught...he wouldn't be driving long with a licence!
Taking that back a further step, what happens if the speeder knew that 50% of the time he speeds he would get caught. That means every 2 times he speeds, he'd pay a fine and get points....would he still speed? (well the chance of getting caught are still very high so he probably wouldn't...if he did he wouldn't have his license for much longer than the example above)
You may believe that nothing could stop these guys from speeding, but they can be stopped.