But you still haven't dealt with THE CAUSE of the accident! Let alone eliminate it!
Of course it is preferable to have a disabled person to a dead one, but it is more preferable that you don't have an accident in the first place! And you continually fail to address that point! More so, Tangler has already come out of the closet and told us that HE DOESN'T CARE WHAT THE CAUSE IS. Come out and say it as well please Ian.
You lot are simply oblivious to the fact that even the statistics you keep quoting stipulate that SPEED is ONLY a contributing factor, but not the MAIN FACTOR in most of the collisions!
We have admitted that speed IS a factor and that we are prepared to do something about it, but you're stupidly avoiding to admit that point and instead continue pushing everything down the TESCO ISLE and promote an agenda which WON'T solve the problem! Now even the poor "bibby" is being dragged into this argument!