"All the DFT are saying is that in 13% of cases someone was speeding. That does NOT imply (nor do they imply) that speeding was the CAUSE of the accident. Indeed they have a separate category of "excess speed" - whether above OR below the limit."
But John, you're forgetting. We don't give a stuff what CAUSES the accident, what we all care about is whether the person in the car is ALIVE. And that has everything to do with speed, everytime! What you are telling us is that in 13% of deaths the driver WAS going over the speed limit, speeding makes the chance of death much much higher (don't underestimate the effect of going just 10mph faster)....thus a significant proportion of the deaths would be attributable purely to the speed travelled.
So it follows, that if we enforce speed limits, we have a FAR greater chance of saving that 1 person in 10. (and the other 9 as well actually but as grasping the concept of just 1/10 seems hard, I won't trouble you with it) And what's more, speed cameras don't cost us anything to build, as they pay for themselves.
So the only actual conclusion from this is that you want to speed and want rid of the cameras or anything that can catch you speeding. Thats essentially it.