this link is to a news item from july 08 (when M.P.'s voted to retain their current expense culture and reject external auditing of their expenses).
Of the government ministers voting for this the home secretary's name was prominent, we now know why. She also employs her husband too as an aide, talk about laughing all the way to the bank (and the gold plated pension funded by you,me and our children)
Now Brown wants to tackle this but his 2 P.P.S's voted for this too. It's a sham.
Besides, they've already dealt with this by re-writing their own rules to allow them to claim for whatever they feel "comfortable" with us possibly finding out about.
In any other walk of life this fraudulent behaviour would not be acceptable if discovered.
pigs with their noses in the trough laughing at us mere mortals as they steal our money. send these thieves a message in the euro elections on june 4th and vote for anyone not connected to the "big 3" parties.
That might grab their attention.