What your suggesting is against eu law you could go and work in poland!!! This is the problem because so many people didnt want repetitive menial jobs the poles and others like them came in and took those jobs. Now the service jobs have been cut they want the menial jobs to pay the bills as they dont care as long as they can make ends meet. Its a very tricky subject this and I wouldnt get saying stuff like KICK THEM ALL OUT on a forum however I can see your opinion which you are of course allowed to voice. The thing is how many people would be happy (ages 20-30) to just tighten some bolts or box some cereal or whatever for 8 an hour all day every day. We have given people the option of avoiding a job from school for another 6-7 years they are nearly adults and havenbt paid anything in to society merely taken at least the poles have done the crap no one else wants to, like serve chiken in Kentucky Fried Crap! It is finger lickin good though ;-)