o The military - the size of the force required to defend us is a lot smaller than the force required to interfere in other peoples' wars. Furthermore stupid amounts of money are wasted on neaderthal capex like nuclear subs.
o Police - a ridiculously inefficient organization if ever there was one. There are far too many of them, there's too much admin wastage and now their mode of transport is now BMWs and Merc's ! Pass me my scissors - cut cut cut.
o Councils - another set of institutions of waste... I could write a book on the waste here. I watched 10 men replace a perfectly good pavement [that has around 20 people walk across it a day] over a period of 2 months - how much did that cost ?
o Schools - semi-privatize them ! If your kid goes to a state school, you'll contribute financially to it. If they go to a private school, then you'll receive a bursary equivalent to the amount the state would have spent.
o NHS - Semi-privatize. Their only obligation should be to preserve life. Anything else and you pay... and you know what ? Most people in this country can pay !
o Social housing - end it ! A friend of mine used to live in a council flat a 5 minute walk from the City of London. His rent was pocket change and he drove a brand new Jaguar. Nobody goes rent free !
o Dole/benefits - do it the American way. You'll soon get people finding jobs.
... and that's all I can think of in 5 minutes. Bring on the rebuttles and the abuse now :-)