""That's the nice thing about 'science'. 'We' (an arrogant use of the word there becasue I am NOTHING to do with science nowadays!) KNOW that 'we' can be WRONG! That's why 'we' don't use the word 'PROOF' about something that MAY be wrong!
You are right, 'we' need to convince the majority. Remembering that PROOF is utterly impossible, you tell US what 'we' NEED to do to CONVINCE people!""
*Interesting....are you saying you need to persuade people 'man made global warming' exists, even if there is a probable chance it doesn't because proof is utterly impossible?
...difficult one.....nahh!! TAX IT ANYWAY!!!! ;-)
I think I saw somewhere you can get anti-sheep tablets to help you with original thought. or was I dreaming!!