[DavyBoy]>> " If we assume that humans are the overriding cause of adverse climate change [note, this is something I do not agree with], then without curtailing the rapidly expanding human population everything else is a waste of time.
But lets assume that we ignore that for the moment - which is a bit like telling somebody with liver cirrhosis that its OK to continue drinking - but let's do it anyways. "
I'm sure you understand exactly what I'm saying here... but to ensure that my words and analagies aren't twisted any further I'll be explict.
o IF humans are the cause of climate change then to reduce the effects of that change, you must reduce the cause. You need to have less humans. If you continue to increase the number of humans you will increase the size of the cause and increase the effect. In other words you will make it worse !
o Alcohol is known to exacerbate liver disease. If a patient with cirrhosis wishes to continue living he needs to remove the exacerbating factor. He needs to stop drinking. If he continues to drink, or worse still increases the amount he drinks, then he will increase be increasing the exacerbating factor which will increase the size of the effect. In other words you will make it worse !
Once again, what I'm saying is IF you believe human existance is THE CAUSE of climate change, THEN without reducing the number of human beings existing you will be unable to arrest let alone reverse it.