Ian you obviously missed my first post,no i dont think that 'TANK' will beat a 250 twin,i think i said that before but in my opinion it does accelerate well,jesus how can it not,its got 172hp,yes it will get out braked,yes it wont handle i agree
' the utterly stupendous twin 125 karts'
Ahh those,hmmm let me see.......Where are they all? Who races them? Who builds them? How well do they go? What results have the drivers got?
Yes they sound nice but they dont handle,sure it will be quick it a straight line but come a corner they just dont seem to work,just like i was saying about this kart in the video thats all.
The only one i ve seen is Kevin Dents twin TM,very nice looking kart,well put together but doesnt work out on the track,or never has when i ve seen it