Hopefully, fingers crossed, several things will happen
1) VW will not enter F1 as they have massive fines to pay off for diesel-gate 2) RedBull will throw a tantrum as they cant buy a competitive engine and leave the sport, so 4 cars gone 3) Lotus will fold and Renault will walk as they cannot agree terms, another 2 cars gone
then if all planets align, Formula1 as a sport will crash and burn, then something sensible will rise from the ashes, as the costs have gone stratospheric, and its not just due to the engines, blaming the engine cost is just smoke-and-mirros covering the fact that the teams refused to sign up to a budget cap as they are a greedy bunch of girls-front-bottoms, all the top teams have massive head-counts with huge R&D expenditure......and its all the teams fault who did not sign up to a budget cap, they signed up to Bernies scheme where the top 5 get priority and more payments and the others get fed on crumbs...... its only a matter of time till it all crashes unless something drastic is changed......its all their own stupid fault......it wouldnt surprise me that Carlos Gohsn brings the tower falling down, really I think he holds all the aces and Bernie knows it.