--- "Oh no, old son..... you feel, and state, that people should be allowed to live where-ever they want. Isn't it funny how, the MOMENT someone could impinge on YOUR personal 'possession', all your left wing views shoot out the window. Not so much 'share and share alike' now, is there.
As you would have worked out if you hadn't been trying to use invective to cover your embarrassment, I wasn't misunderstanding your point, I was showing quite how silly that view was. I knew that your 'leftish' morals only applied when the 'losers' in the deal wasn't YOU." ---
Wrong. Not only would they not have to impinge on my personal possessions, they wouldn't want to either. If your statement were true the poor EU migrants would already be living with me. They're not. Moreover, I've already stated and accepted that our living standards may have to fall. It's also hypocritical and somewhat ironic that you would claim I have used "invective" to cover my "embarrassment". Not only am I not embarrassed, I fail to see where I have used insulting or abusive language.
--- "In case your left-wing paper didn't cover it (quelle surprise), here are the OFFICIAL statistics for you.
I assumed you would have read this already and would by now have seen how silly your claim is." ---
The free movement of people within the EU countries started, for us, in 1973; 42 years ago. This was extended to the Eastern European countries in 2004. So, over a total timespan of 42 years, we have only just reached 2m (3% of our total population) EU migrants. More evidence that they don't "flood" here and when they do arrive, they're here working.
--- "The level of deprivation of the 'poorer EU members' is nowhere near as 'low' as that of the Ethiopeans (for example). Thus the pressure from Ethiopia is far greater than from EU members.
But I don't actually CARE from which country they come, EU or otherwise. It's not a racial thing to me. The UK cannot maintain it's identity, it's character, it's MORALS, if it is SWAMPED by too many people of different 'cultures' at one time. Over time, we have already accepted HUGE numbers of migrants. Now is the time to halt the flood and let those already here assimilate into our culture." ---
Our net migration rate is 38th in the world. With free movement of people, brought in over time, there's nothing to suggest migrants would flood here. Yes, our population would increase, but that's a good reason to do what we can to improve living standards worldwide. My proposal is an end goal and, as already stated, would take time to implement.
--- "The world is changing and daft 'leftish' policies failed earlier and won't catch hold again (no matter WHAT Corbyn thinks!)!" ---
Why would I care what Corbyn thinks? I'd vote Conservatives before I ever voted Labour.
--- "I know it's an appeal to numbers but just ASK the public if they want to have NO limit on migration! I am not arguing that as a proof that the decision to restrict immigration is moral: I am simply saying, de facto, the UK people will NOT allow it!" ---
I'm not giving you the opinion of the public, I'm giving you my opinion; that tends to be the point of a discussion on any subject. Of course most in the UK wouldn't allow it, but then, a sizeable proportion in the UK think we have the highest rate of immigration; that they all come here, steal our jobs, live on benefits, murder, rape and pillage. Why would I value opinions so devoid of facts?