It's not a law, but it's an International Standard:-
The concept of first country of asylum is defined in Article 26 of the APD:
A country can be considered to be a first country of asylum for a particular applicant for asylum if: (a) s/he has been recognised in that country as a refugee and s/he can still avail him/herself of that protection; or (b) s/he otherwise enjoys sufficient protection in that country, including benefiting from the principle of non-refoulement; provided that s/he will be re-admitted to that country. In applying the concept of first country of asylum to the particular circumstances of an applicant for asylum Member States may take into account Article 27 (1).
See this page for the 'rules'
My 'reasoned response' to you unreasoned statement of allowing all 7Bn people into this country is simple..... and I'll quote you on it;-
" I'm some leftist nut who would be happy with 7bn coming here "
We clearly agree.
We also agree that such a view removes yuo from sensible. rational discussion.
However, you state:-
".....but in principal, I don't see why any person shouldn't be able to live anywhere....."
To show how silly this is, I'll state that I choose to live in YOUR house and/or your Church, and/or Westminster Abbey, and or Buckingham Palace and/or Wembley Stadium (or any other football, cricket or sports ground) etc., etc., etc.. By your own quoted words, you NOT refuse me! I think that also grants me possession of ALL of your possessions, too! Are you SURE you meant this after you have looked at it in a slightly more rational light?
Well spotted that there was a trap in my question! For precision, it was a dichotomy to which you could not find an answer because there ISN'T one that you can give and remain true to your beliefs! That inability shows that you hold views that cannot be justified, rationally!
You are correct about one thing, the flow of people into this country will stop (under your daft ideas) when there is little or no difference between the living standards here and elsewhere. I am not prepared to allow England (and the UK..... or even the EU) to be brought down to the lowest level just to satisfy your silly 'leftist' views! You'd have a fight on your hands from me and MILLIONS of other Brits if this approach was to be followed.
I contend that there SHOULD be a maximum and would be willing to 'go to the battlements' to protect that stance.
I am an old and old fashioned patriot. England and the UK first!