i think anything used to curb unprofessional behaviour is a good thing.
area of the uk = 243,610km2 = 2.4361E+11 m2
so dividing that by 7billion
gives, 34.8 m2 each, i.e. a square of side 5.9m
if you wanted to be shoulder to shoulder, assume 0.75m for a pessimistic average dimension and also assume a square of 0.75m (extremely pessimistic stacking, so we could double/triple the final figure)
this gives a 0.5625m2 per person on average
2.4361e+11/0.5625 = 433.08 billion
why on earth (pun?) would we have the whole world's population in the uk and not then be able to spread out is way beyond me. And that is the real point, large parts of the world have different cultures to ours. Taking no action to help change is not going to work long term. They will simply multiply and eventually take over completely.
embrace, educate and evolve
its a no brainer but people just dont like change and/or are afraid to learn.