You seem to imply getting a whole weekend for £395: Donnington was that price for a mid-week single day with an open pit lane. When many of us could not have got the time off work for a mid-week session. What on earth would a Donnington Weekend cost?
I used to 'do' Donnington in long-circuit karts and I can remember my eyes watering at the costs for the weekend way back then!
Race entries are more expensive for you, too. Yes.... if you compare Super One (almost the top level of karting) to MX5 racing.... you are being unfair. The Super One leaders are some of the best UK karters, outright. How many of the UK's (for example) top sports car drivers are racing in MX races? My point is that you are not comparing like with like.
I am NOT knocking MX5: it is absolutely as valid as ANY other 'club' class racing. It's just not on this fantastic par of 'excellence' of the top guys in Super One.
Most of us spend the money that we can afford up to the level that 'beats' the rest. The best can be SO high in karting that it can get VERY expensive! Restrict yourself to 'club' racing and it can a LOT cheaper.
My point is only that we should compare like with like. If you are happy in MX5 racing, that's fantastic and I support you 100%: especially if you are enjoying it for about the same cost your karting. I am just asking you to be fair in your comparisons.
Good luck and good racing, anyway!