That's odd..... why is it arrogant to point out that I hadn't mentioned VLN but you had?
To complete this:-
1) I have made my point and so far, no one has even come close to answering the question. I know why..... and so do you...... The point is simple: if F1 (and most other racing classes) is/are banned at the 'Ring, then so should the TT race for the same reason...... actually, for VASTLY more reason being, V*A*S*T*L*Y more lethal.
2) You had the honesty to partially answer the question, which is more than the others have.
3) I'll be happy to 'take your point' when you explain why 'uniqueness' of the TT outranks the 'uniqueness' of the 'Ring. I'll accept the charge of: 'arrogance'..... but NOT for noticing you haven't answered the question. That's what you REALLY don't like, isn't it? People get really cross when you produce an unanswerable point to counter something they holds dear..... that's not my problem!
I assume you still won't answer so I suspect we have finished this.